All about our club
The Club runs mainly cross country events on private land in the form of Sprint Races, Grass Track (natural terrain motocross like track), and Pony Express events which are 4 hour enduro races. In the year the club facilitates and runs 10 events for riders of all ages and stages to compete in.
The Armidale Motorcycle Club – A Brief History!
Armidale Motorcycle Club (AMCC) was started in the early 1970s by some keen motorcycle enthusiasts, and meetings were held at the old Coffee House in Marsh Street. Originally, the club had the use of the Uralla Double, a speedway track and held many race and practice events there as well as some high profile open events involving some of Australia’s best Short Circuit and Speedway riders. As well as these events, the members travelled all over NSW racing in Motor cross and Speedway races, with some very talented riders coming out of Armidale.
Race Events
Today the club is very different running mainly cross country events on private land in the form of Sprint races, Grass Track (natural terrain motocross like track), and Pony Express events which are 4 hour enduro races. In the year the club facilitates and runs 10 events for riders of all ages and stages to compete in.
Races are always hotly contested and often only seconds separate the top riders in each class. Riders are able to see how they are running with their times posted up throughout the day of the event.
As well as the sprint race, the club runs a 50cc Gymkhana for the little kids and this is very well attended, with up to 15 bikes present on the day.
Races normally run through March to November each year, with junior training events normally starting in February.
Typically, there are races for the following classes for a Sprint or Grass Track Event:
A Class Senior Riders (16 years and Up)
B Class Senior Riders (16 years and Up)
C Class Senior Riders (16 years and Up)
Ladies Class Senior Riders (16 years and Up)
35+ Class Senior Riders
Jnr 200cc 2 stroke / 250cc 4 stroke (13-15 yrs)
Snr 85cc 2 stroke / 150cc 4 stroke (12-15 yrs)
Jnr 85cc 2 stroke / 150cc 4 stroke (9-11 yrs) no big wheels
Snr 65cc (9-12 yrs)
Jnr 65cc (6-8 yrs)
Nippers (4-9 yrs)
What you need to race
To compete in a race riders will need to have the following:
A race-safe bike – see scrutineering below
A race licence
A Club membership
For Junior riders under 16 you will need your Junior Logbook and have completed 5 hours of training prior to the race.
For riders who do not possess a race licence, you can obtain a day licence to race at the event for a standard fee. You can also join the AMCC on the day of the event.
Bike Scrutineering
All bikes have to be presented to the race scrutineer before the event, to make sure they are safe to compete at the event and that they comply with the Motorcycling NSW rules. This can seem a little daunting at first but becomes second nature after the first couple of times, and there is always plenty of help available on the day or prior if needed – you just have to ask.
Junior Training Requirements
A major change in the regulations has been the requirement to train all junior competitors under 16 years of age. They have to complete 5 hours of formal training to get started, followed by training each time they wish to move to a larger capacity machine. Micheal Frost and Sonia Frost are the official coaches for this requirement in the club. We have several officials that have undertaken training to fill the position of coach. In addition, to fulfilling the training requirements and regulations they do a really great job at getting their ideas and tips across to kids from 4 to 16 years of age. Please note that bookings are essential for these courses.
Race Tracks
Our two main tracks are on private land owned by the Danieli family at Naralgun Downs, Torryburn, and the Mackaway family at Tumble Downs, Walcha. We owe a huge gratitude to these families for allowing us to hold events on their land. Without their kind generosity the club would simply not be able to function and hold events. It is the hope of the club that in addition to these tracks that some public land may become available for them to set up our own tracks for local racers.
Joining and Becoming a Member of the Club
Armidale Motorcycle Club offers a really great day out for the whole family interested in riding dirt bikes. There are all levels of rider from mild enthusiast, to passionate devotee, rank amateurs to experts, and also many family combinations riding on any given day or in some cases whole families. There are racing classes and standards to fulfill everyone’s racing needs. The great family atmosphere means that the whole club gets in and has a go on race day, be it competing, cooking the BBQ, running the canteen or being a major official at the event. All in all it’s a great club to be a part of, support and help out at.
For anyone interested in learning how to ride, race, and officiate at a race there are multiple benefits of being part of a group of dedicated people who take their part in the club seriously and make sure that every event is run in a safe and professional manner, within the strict guidelines of Motorcycling Australia.
Anyone who has the skill and drive can become an official in the club and can aspire to be involved in major events held across NSW. There is always a need for more help, and all help is gratefully accepted.
As well as running the club, taking part in the events gives the mind and body a great workout, with motorcycle racing rated as one of the most strenuous exercises that can be done. Just ask anyone who is new to the sport and has done their first race.
A great buzz that parents often tell us about is being able to watch their kids turn up at a very young age and be completely blown away and nervous at the prospect of their first day with the club. Then at the end of the day they have a huge smile across their face and with new friends and new experiences, ready to do it all again next time.
The club holds committee meetings throughout the year and an annual general meeting in November/December each year as well as an annual presentation dinner.
The cost of membership is very reasonable and runs annually starting in January each year. There are several ways to join the club as follows:
Search Armidale MCC on and join
Join at sign on at any race day
The Club Committee
The main current committee is:
Mick Frost – President
Brody Dexter – Vice President
Dan O’Brien – Treasurer
Megan Lockyer – Secretary
The club events are run by many other committee members and officials. There are many rules and regulations now governing every aspect of running of motorcycle events. These have to be adhered to stringently and managed carefully to ensure that all riders have safe events that are well regulated and managed. Committee Club Meetings are held throughout the year.
The Club has a number of very generous sponsors who support the running costs of our events.
A list of sponsors can be found here. Support them when you can!